A disturbing letter received

Three weeks ago, I received a rather disturbing letter from my x-sister-in-law. We used to write a couple of times a year but that hadn't happened in the last two years. The main reason for writing the letter was to tell me all that was going on with them since her father passed away in... Continue Reading →

A huge loss in my daughter’s life

In early December, there was a huge loss in my daughter's life... The day started with us having breakfast and talking while praising her grandfather for the person he was. I told her, "That old man is going to out live us all. He is so active and in such good health." Two hours later... Continue Reading →

Foreign Exchange Student Part 2

Well, I received the email with the attached documents and just as I had suspected it was all there in writing... Interview and application handling fee (committee costs); Two student weekends (space rental, food, room, transportation costs, activities for student & committee); Student/Parent orientation (space rental, materials and food); copies and postage, committee resources, training... Continue Reading →

He has arrived!

My daughter's little brother came into the world two and a half weeks ago. She just arrived to see him on Saturday and has sent some pictures of the two of them together. The day he was born, my daughter had sent me a picture that her dad had sent to her and I was... Continue Reading →

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